Planning & Advocacy Committee
Committee Establishes HHC-wide priorities and plans for implementation. This committee is responsible for updating the 10 year plan and the goals of the HHC. The planning and advocacy committee is responsible for proactively identifying gaps and needs in the housing services network, and evaluating community outcomes based on data from the HMIS. This committee also explores other collaborative funding opportunities.
Chair: Sally Santangelo, CNY Fair Housing
Target Audience: Managers, Directors, and above.
Data Administration Committee
Focuses on issues relating to reporting, data quality, and general HMIS issues.
Chair: Sarah Schutt, HHC
Target Audience: Agency Administrators overseeing programs using HMIS.
Bi-monthly in odd months
Cayuga County Committee
Focuses on housing and homelessness issues particular to Cayuga County.
Chair: Liz Vuillemont, Auburn Housing Authority
Target Audience: Cayuga County service providers and stakeholders.
Meets Monthly
Oswego County Committee
Focuses on housing and homelessness issues particular to Oswego County.
Target Audience: Oswego County service providers and stakeholders.
Meets Bi-monthly in odd months (next meeting 1-19)
Performance Selection Committee (Board)
Made up of members of the HHC board who are not a part of CoC funded agencies for the purpose of rating and ranking local funding applications.
Chair: Marty Skahen, Onondaga County
Coordinated Entry (Workgroup)
Audience: Intake workers for CoC Projects, Shelter Case managers and case manager supervisors, and Street outreach workers
Chair: HHC Staff
Meets Quarterly
Chronic Homelessness Task Force
Audience: Intake workers for CoC Projects, Shelter Case managers and case manager supervisors, and Street outreach workers
Chair: Jessie Butts, Catholic Charities of Onondaga County
Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Housing Services Providers Group (Workgroup)
Audience: Service provider staff for emergency shelters and CoC projects.
Provides training opportunities relevant to frontline staff for the purpose of improving the quality of services in our area.
Chair: HHC Staff
Bi-monthly , last Friday of the month.
Runaway and Homeless Youth (Workgroup)
Audience: Youth Services Providers, School Liaisons
Discusses issues relevant to service providers for runaway and homeless youth.
Chair: Joe King, Onondaga County Department of Child and Family Services
Meets quarterly
Veterans (Workgroup)
Audience: Veterans services providers
Chair: Jessica Horning, Veteran’s Administration
Meets after the chronic taskforce, 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Health Providers Workgroup (Workgroup)
Audience: Health providers, emergency shelter and street outreach program managers and directors,
Planning and coordination around providing medical and health services to homeless individuals and families in the CoC’s geographic area.